
Wednesday, December 17, 2008

waiting to go

I'm travelling home today. I'll be home for six weeks, to see my family and friends, to regain my strength and sanity after a semester of 18 units and choir and a job and working in the library.

I'll be able to sleep and talk with my brothers, to visit neighbours and friends I haven't seen in months. I'll write my own poetry, read others' poetry, and read what I want to. It'll be refreshing, renewing, and preparation for what is to come.

Because, in six weeks, I'll be leaving for New York City. There I will enjoy two days in my older brother's company before I leave for Venice, Italy.

And once in Venice, I shall most likely have the experience of a lifetime. I'll be studying Bible, missions, literature, history, art, and Italian with 30 other students. We will live together, read together, pray together, work together, share together, study together, grow together. 3 blessed months of exploring Italy and Europe with people I have never met before.

Even when I get home, tho', back to the States -- I'll still be waiting. There is always something to wait on.

God will carry me on, and up, and through, no matter what comes my way. All I have to do is trust in Him.

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all of your ways, acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." Psalm 3:5-6
"Don't worry about tomorrow; He's got it under control. Just trust in the LORD, and follow Him through, and He will carry you home." Trust, Sixpence None the Richer

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